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Bit-Box 1

Bit-Box 1 is the original Northumberland Online Resources platform. If you are an existing user, this is what you have been used to, but with a new navigation system and more pleasing design.

Bit-Box has a fantastic range of interactive resources covering a range of subjects. They are suitable for the whole of the Primary age range and beyond. This pages will give you an indication of just some of the resources.

These are smaller programs and activities: just as useful but more focused.

Simple function machines
for use with pupils in mental
maths sessions - either
whole class or individually.

What's in the box? All the resources in the Big Bits section come well supported with additional resources including:

A unique bank of stories and supporting resources including:
The 3 Little Pigs; Goldilocks and the Three Bears; Little Red Riding Hood; The Lambton Worm; The Little Red Ship; The Little Red Ship and the Pirates;The 3 Billy Goats Gruff;
Read along Nursery Rhymes; All About Animals; Felix and Charlie and the lost Tomb. Covering EYFS, Primary and Lower Secondary age ranges.

Lots of fantastic resources in a variety of languages French, German, Spanish & Italian. Includes: Traditional French finger rhymes, Fairytales - 4 stories, Fables - Le Corbeau et Le Renard, The Giant Turnip, Le cafe des Catas, Little Red Hen Stories, Simple Stories, Le Petit Bateau Rouge, Tout a propos des Animaux and Comparing languages - lesson plans

All aboard to join Bonnie Annie’s Pirate crew. This unique resource covers 6 week or sessions and has a wealth of activities and supporting materials - videos of Pirate Annie - CV’s to fill in to apply for the Cabin Boy job!

Science resources and also
materials to support your teacher assessment in Science.

A collection of resources ranging from simple drag and drop activities to develop mouse skills to graphic modeling.

A collection of resources including 18 favourite nursery rhymes for children to listen to,
read, sing and explore.

Eight design and make projects for you to try out with pupils. Plus resources to explore cams and lever linkages.

Visit the Virtual Orchestra and see and hear nearly 60 musical instruments.

An interactive map of world
history. Click and explore the last 5500 years.

Thinking for learning activity to encourage group discussion
and justification of decision making.

Explore one of our Advent
Calendars from previous
years - all pages can now be
accessed, no matter what the

Additionally a collection of
links to some useful
resources on the world wide

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